Ownership of Everything We Say and Do

We are collaborative with others, team players, and we take ownership before others if/when we let things fall or cause an offense. We are people who can be trusted to carry out our assignments, tasks, and responsibilities to their fullest extent. (Luke 16:10)

Eager to Know and Grow

We will strive to be open to feedback from those on our team and in our church, even seeking it out that we may develop and become more mature in Christ. (Proverbs 1:5)

Excel for the Glory of God

We are people who give our best because God has given us His best, and has given us life, gifting, and opportunity that we do not deserve. Therefore, we aim for the glory of God, not doing any of our work half-heartedly whether big or small tasks but seek to go above and beyond in every opportunity. (Colossians 3:23:24)

We Give More Than One Deserves

We give what one may not deserve, not indicting someone before listening and seeking to understand them. When in error, we are loving, forgiving, and kind, while simultaneously seeking their growth.” (Ephesians 4:32)

Relentlessly Encouraging

As a team, we strive to honor one another and ourselves. We will honor individuals because of their inherent dignity that is found in Christ and because of their abilities, gifting, and/or leadership position. We will be relentlessly encouraging toward who they are and who they are becoming in Christ, constantly calling out the glory in them. (Romans 12:10, 1 Thes. 5:11)

Exalt Christ, Not Ourselves

We will be quick to listen and slow to speak, acknowledging that any good gift comes from God, and any error is covered in His grace, and therefore can be listened to and received openly when spoken towards us. We will not boast, but seek the exaltation of Christ. (Philippians 2:3)

Seek the Joy of Christ and Radiate it to Others

We will seek to have fun together, and be a pleasure to be around; a team where everyone wishes they could step in because of the environment, radiating with the joy of Christ. (Romans 15:13)

Willing to Wait Without Grumbling

We are able to accept or tolerate delays, problems, or suffering without becoming annoyed or anxious. (2 Peter 3:9)

09 • PAUSE
Slow to Speak

An intentional moment of stopping in order to reflect upon a team member's behavior before speaking or addressing it. If a PAUSE is called, it counts, even if you don't agree. It's not a toy. And you can call it on yourself or others.

Vulnerable Hearts and Honest Communication

We will be direct, straightforward, and honest, bringing things to light about ourselves and our circumstances before being asked, as well as thoughtfully bringing truth to others to seek our collective unity and growth. We will be transparent to express our own needs, highlighting our dependance on Jesus. We will be truthful with others in an effort to help them become more like Jesus. (1 John 1:7, Proverbs 27:17, 2 Co. 12:9)

Quick to Admit Wrong

We acknowledge fault, express sorrow for offense, and ask for forgiveness. “I am sorry for…” is a phrase we’re liberal with. (Colossians 3:12)

Collaborate to See the Kingdom Come

We will seek to be open and responsive to suggestions of others willing to fit in with their needs as we work towards a common goal. We are eager to serve and try our best to say ‘yes’ whenever possible so that we can help the Team and church succeed. (Philippians 2:3-4)

Seeing and Seeking the Well-Being of Others First

We are thinking about the person we’re talking to first, being gentle, considering their heart, past, and perspective before dealing with a task or situation at hand. We see people and don’t allow mission to trump the person, because the person was Jesus’ mission. (1 Peter 5:2