Events at The Well

Events For College Students

Recovery at The Well
Thursdays at 6:45pm at The Well Office
Every Thursday night we have our weekly Open Share Recovery meetings. Maybe you find yourself stuck because of your own broken behavior, or maybe you find yourself stuck because of the broken behavior done to you by others, or maybe a combination of both. Open Share is a space for anyone interested in wanting to find encouragement, hope, and healing in community with others.

Celebration Sunday
Mar 2
On March 2nd we’ll have Celebration Sunday where we’ll introduce new covenant members, baptize our brothers and sisters in Christ as they share their testimonies, and, also have a hangout with food trucks after both 9am and 11am gathering.
From 11:00am to 1:30pm, in the Eastside H.S. courtyard, we’ll have food trucks, games and activities for the kids, and a place for us to hangout and be together as a church family!
1. Register to get baptized on Celebration Sunday on Mar. 2nd
If you’d like to get baptized at our next Celebration Sunday, on March 2 at both 9am and 11am gatherings.

Disciple Making Cohort
A 10-Week Cohort
Feb 16 to Apr 27
Our Disciple Making Cohort is a 10-week cohort made up of groups of 6–12 individuals who desire to learn and share about Jesus in Austin, while also applying these to global settings as well. This 10-week cohort meets up three times a week, with rhythms of multiplication and discipleship within cohorts. DMC’s will show you how to love, follow, and serve Jesus through the Great Commission and our One Place. It will teach you how to effectively reproduce disciples that impact our families, friends, communities, city, nation, and even the world around us.

Student Spring Retreat
Feb 21. - Feb. 23
Camp Tejas Gidding Texas
We are excited to have our 3rd annual Student Spring Retreat! This weekend will give both leaders and students an opportunity to hear from the Lord outside of our normal weekly routines. We will be learning from one of our own Well Covenant Members over the book of Proverbs. During this weekend, students will have the opportunity to zipline, hike, play volleyball, and large group games with friends and leaders. You won't want to miss this weekend so sign up today!
Please note that the $125 cost of this weekend includes housing and all meals. If you are in need of financial assistance, scholarships are available upon request. Please email regarding a scholarship FIRST before registering.

Worship Night
Feb. 23 at 7PM, at Eastside High School
We would love to invite you to join us as we worship together as a family for our worship night. Our hope is that this would be a time focused on prayer and worship as we gather in one place, lifting up our praise to God who is worthy of our worship. Please register for this night to help us determine how many people to expect.

New Parent Orientation For Kids Ministry
Feb. 23
9am to 10:30am
Our Kids Ministry is excited to offer this orientation class for parents who are expecting their first child, and whose children will also eventually be apart of our Kids Ministry! This class will introduce key aspects of our ministry, including its mission, vision, policies, and procedures, as well as guide you through the Sunday check-in process. Our ministry serves children from newborns to 5th graders, providing opportunities to engage with scripture, worship, create, and play. This orientation is designed to ensure you feel comfortable and prepared for your child’s first Sunday with us.

How To Bring God's Kingdom To Your Work
Mar. 8
9am to 2pm
The Well is hosting a practical intensive for anyone wanting to effectively make God known in their workplace. This session will cover your identity in Christ, helping you understand who you are in Him, a theology of work based on what the Bible says about it, and practical steps for seeking God and honoring Him in your job. Led by our Missions Director, Tyler Collins, this intensive is a chance to learn, reflect, and apply biblical principles to your everyday work.

Moneywise Intensive
A 2-day Intensive
Mar. 21 • 6pm to 9pm
Mar. 22 • 9am to 2pm
Our Moneywise Intensive is a two day intensive that helps you develop solid, biblical money management skills and equip you to live with an eternal mindset regarding stewardship and generosity.
As followers of Jesus, we aspire to be good stewards of our time, talents, and treasure. Like anything, learning how to steward our finances takes time and effort. At The Well, we’re committed to coming alongside you to see us grow as good stewards. MoneyWise utilizes a variety of faith-based financial resources to help us understand scripture’s definition of financial wisdom while providing practical applications drawn from Dave Ramsey, Watermark Church, and others that challenge us to be financially disciplined.
This class will be led by Becca Whites and Paul Carlson. Both Becca and Paul both have years of experience in the financial world both having worked in finance in the marketplace.

Developing Intimacy with Christ in Trials
March 24 - May 5
Monday Nights from 7pm-9pm
This cohort is designed for Women at The Well to journey with one another into greater intimacy with Christ as we walk through trials of many kinds. We can often find it easy to see Jesus in our joys but can struggle to feel his presence in our grief, disappointment, loneliness, loss, longing, and hurt.
This cohort is a place to come as you are and share with other women who know what it is like to experience life differently than they originally imagined. To find comfort in his presence and to stand firm in the storm, knowing He has already won! We will spend 7 weeks together reading the Word, learning through teaching, fasting, and sharing in large and small groups.
Throughout this cohort, we desire to find more of Jesus in our current circumstances whether we remain in the valley or venture to the mountaintop!

Covenant Community Class
April 27 and May 4 from 1PM to 3PM.
The Well Offices
This two-part class will go deeper into who we are as a church, what we expect of our members, what our members can expect of us, and how we can impact the world together. We desire to be a church that exalt's Christ, reproduces disciples, and impacts the world for the glory of God, and we’re excited to journey with you through this class.