Discipleship doesn't stop with personal growth. True disciples impact the world around them; they live “sent lives.” God’s whole plan from the start has been to redeem the whole world to Himself (Genesis 3:15). As individuals, we want to live sent lives by loving those around us and making an impact where we live, work, and play. As we seek to love our neighbors through service (thus fulfilling the Great Commandment, (Mark 22:39), we seek to help them exalt Christ, become disciples, and live sent lives as well.
Generous Worship
We believe that true, biblical generosity is worship (2 Co. 9:11). Though it's easy to only worship God in part, or more with certain portions of our being, we seek to love and worship God with all of our heart, our soul, our mind, and our strength (Mark 12:30).
Giving From Your Heart
Joyful Giver
You give from my heart; your emotions are involved in you giving. You love the feeling of giving and getting to be a part of the mission of God. It brings you joy to know you get to be a part of this.
Giving From Your Soul
Sacrificial Giver
I give from a deep conviction inside, by faith, when I consider how Jesus paid it all, so I owe everything to Him. I want to give above and beyond so that I can make as much of an impact in the Kingdom as possible.
Giving From Your Mind
Thoughtful Giver
You give with intention and purpose in mind. You give regularly and thoughtfully, knowing this is something God has called you to do. You want to be a good steward of my finances, which means being fully aware of your spending, your giving, and your saving.
Giving From Your Strength
Obedient Giver
You give from a willingness to obey what the Scriptures call me to do with my finances. You know the Bible talks about tithing as a general baseline, so you're going to follow God's commands and give as a discipline and an act of obedience as best as you are able.
Send Resources
We believe that true, biblical generosity is worship (2 Co. 9:11). Though it's easy to only worship God in part, or more with certain portions of our being, we seek to love and worship God with all of our heart, our soul, our mind, and our strength (Mark 12:30).