Discipleship is helping people love, follow, and serve Jesus with all of themselves. It is the act of obeying Jesus' Great Commision to multiply His Kingdom by making disciples and helping them observe all that He commanded us (Matthew 28:18-20). But it's not just about what we do (Great Commission). It's also how we do it (Great Commandment). In His kindness, God has given us a framework to "apply," ensuring that we don't fall victim to the task of discipleship, but that in every aspect of our life we love the Lord with all our heart, soul, mind, and strength (Mark 12:30). This is accomplished both personally and corporately so that we all grow holistically as a follower of Christ. So,whether we've loved the Lord for two days or twenty years, we all have an opportunity to be discipled and disciple others.
Is Discipleship What You Think It Is?

A New Discipleship
Framework For Application of God's Commands
Loving, Following, and Serving through Scripture
Other Resources
2020 Lent Devotional
2020 Advent Devotional
2022 Lent Devotional
2022 Advent Devotional