Jenna Moles
Community Groups Director

Jenna grew up in the suburbs of Chicago. She graduated from Chicago’s Depaul University with a degree from the school of Communications before moving on to the Big Apple. It was in New York City, of all places, where she entered into a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. He faithfully pursued her through her older brother, Jonathon, who had been radically saved in a prison in Wisconsin.
Jenna spent more than ten years in corporate America, where she thrived on building relationships with clients, understanding their needs, and delivering a solution. However, Jesus started to shift her focus toward the local church. She spent several years leading a women’s Bible study, shepherding a community group, and watching Jesus transform the lives and hearts of people around her in incredible ways. During this time, she felt the Lord leading her into full-time ministry where she would be able to pursue her passion for coming alongside and equipping the Saints.
In her free time, Jenna enjoys walking around Lady Bird Lake, checking out Austin coffee shops, and increasing her low tolerance to spicy food one taco at a time.
Email: jenna@thewellaustin.com