Grant Vanaman

Grant was born and raised in Arlington, TX. He grew up in a wonderful, loving church and received Christ as his Lord and Savior when he was 15 at church summer camp. After graduating from The University of Texas, Grant returned home to D/FW for work and met April, his beautiful bride of 30 years. God moved the young family around Texas for a few years before settling back the in Austin area in 1996. Grant and April have three adult children, one wonderful daughter-in-love, one loving son-in-law, and three “perfect” grandchildren!
Grant and April worshipped and served for 26 years at a prior church in Cedar Park, until God moved them to The Well. Their daughter, Jordan, invited them to attend a worship service with her one weekend and it was evident that God was doing a great work at The Well. Grant and April are excited to grow alongside of The Well family as they serve God knowing He is the one who began a good work and will complete it. (Philippians 1:6)
Grant and April share a passion for God’s Word and how The Gospel message redeems, transforms, and restores peoples’ lives. Over the past few years, they have led short term mission teams to Cuba, and are currently helping to teach Biblical business principles to missional entrepreneurs in Nairobi, Kenya through Videre. Grant and April enjoy all kinds of outdoor activities – hiking, biking, water skiing, and snow skiing. But most of their free time is spent loving and enjoying family and friends!
Email: grant@thewellaustin.com