23–24 Q3 Financial Update

June 17th, 2024

The third quarter of our fiscal year came to a close at the end of May and we are again overwhelmed with the generosity of our church family! As I personally reflect on our last Celebration Sunday and all we are able to thank the Lord for, I was reminded of how that celebration is all possible because of the support of each of you who call The Well home and give faithfully.


We were able to commission a church plant because of your gifts and bless them as they start Valle Community Church. As you can see below, we exceeded our anticipated giving this quarter so we were able to give an additional $10,954 to our ongoing Church Planting and Mission funds which will allow us to continue to send and plant as we prayerfully plan to! 


In Q1 (Sept.- Nov.), we went against our financial reserves in the amount of ~$90,000 in order to meet our operating expenses, which we had prepared for. Throughout Q2 (Dec.- Feb.) we saw a significant increase in generous giving and we were able to make up that shortfall and add an additional (~66,000) to our unrestricted reserves making it $677,700. In Q3 (Mar-May) we were able to continue to add to our reserves with an additional (~37,000). Our expected expenses for the last quarter were $599,482 and our actual expenses were $629,619, detailed in the chart below.


Again you have been a tangible answer to prayer, supporting the financial needs of our church and we are truly thankful. Thank you for supporting your church and for living out generosity as worship. As we look ahead to Q4, we are expecting God to do even more in our city as we seek to push back darkness and make much of Jesus! Thank you for continuing to partner with us!  


Chandler Miner

Operations Director


Giving $666,917
Expenses Budget Actual
Staffing $331,401 $363,734
Administration $15,273 $16,690
Facilities $89,412 $93,854
Ministries $72,469 $53,460
Mission and Church Planting* $90,927 $101,881
Total $599,834 $629,619
Current Position
YTD Expenses $1,456,904
YTD Contributions $1,616,051

*this number is a percentage of actual giving